How to judge the authenticity of sex doll website reviews?

How to judge the authenticity of sex doll website reviews?

When we are browsing online, sex doll websites can often be one click away but people are usually not very aware on the subject and sometimes try to risk their money by placing orders with fake or low quality retail sellers.

In physical stores, when we intend to buy stuff, we usually check the quality of the product by physically testing the product if possible. We also usually develop a certain belief about the quality of certain brands. But buying a sex doll and even that online can sometimes be a very daunting experience if you do not take certain measures and precautions well before placing an order.

Sex doll Reviews are of great importance as it is a social proof where people leave their honest feedback and it gives us a deeper look into the features, material, authenticity and other aspects of a sex doll. But it is now very common to locate fake, deceptive or manipulated sex doll reviews which sometimes hurt the emotions of buyer who places an order with their hard earned money.

There are a number of factors you should take into account but in this article we are going to show you different ways that you can try in order to check the authenticity of reviews of a sex doll website.

  1. Relevance of Sex Doll Reviews

Sex Doll Reviews are honest feedbacks that list the experiences of people with those products. If you are on a sex doll website, try looking into the details of reviews. While there are people who put energy into it, no level of manipulation can compete with real reviews as they are highly relevant. If you see reviews on a website that are thoroughly positive or in a strict sense mostly positive and each review is crowded with praising words like, “Good” “Love it” “Fantastic” etc. without going into the real experience. This could be an alarm.

On the other hand, real sex doll reviews are mixed in opinion. Not everybody leaves a 5 star. Even if a product is highly credible in quality. It cannot be a fit for everyone and every setting. People share their opinions and real opinions are quite diverse. Now, if you consider that for a sex doll, there are a number of features in each sex doll and different people have different opinions. Read them thoroughly and see if you develop any suspicious feeling.

  1. Lacks Details  

It is very common in accumulating fake sex doll reviews that companies either hire people to leave feedback or use AI to leave reviews. If that is a case, consider reading the reviews. Fake reviews tend to have less details about the features of products and use a variety of adjectives to directly attract the customers.

On the other hand, real sex doll reviews read quite natural. People write their experiences and want others to be aware of them. Even if a product in general is a good fit, some of its features might not be as attractive as the company wants you to perceive. For example, the site’s ( product reviews are very natural, and there are even customer feedback photos of sex dolls.

See, if the reviewers go into the details of what makes the product good at what conditions. Check the details of the different features. For example, if you are reading about a sex doll, some people might say, “the feel and touch as well as the warmth are quite natural”. Others might refer to the breasts and boobs as “unnaturally bigger or out of proportion”.

  1. Customization details

Try looking deeper into the reviews and you will find reasonable feedback regarding the customization options in various sex doll reviews. People usually refer to customizations options in reviews by reporting the ease or difficulty such as removing one part and installing the new one. In this case, they might refer to it as, “quite easy to install a new head and remove the old one” or “very tedious process of removing the head to install a new one”. These are just the sample lines that gives you an eye to judge wisely.

  1. Clothing & Accessories

All sex dolls are usually offered with a set of clothing and accessories. People usually write about the clothing and accessories out of excitement in their reviews. Try looking deeper into the reviews and see if they say anything regarding the accessories. Or they might not be happy if they didn’t receive the accessories. This could be another indication of real buyer review on a sex doll website.

  1. If a sex doll review says bad about a competitor

Part of your shopping experience, you will realize one sex doll brand competes with others in many ways but they definitely want to spread a bad word about their competitors. If you see reviews mentioning other sex doll brands and why they are bad, instead of what makes them different, try to look deeper and hold your credit cards wisely. This could be a wrong number!

  1. No Criticism

Check the ratio of good, bad and moderate sex doll reviews. If you experience little to no criticism on a website, or in some cases, if a brand is very good, see various aspects of their refund, return and shipping policy. There must be something that makes buyers critical of them and you can have a good idea.

  1. Google Reviews

Most sex doll websites have reviews on their website, but try not to rely on these reviews only. Google their business and check their Google reviews. While one can certainly manipulate reviews at the back end of their own website, it is not so easy when considering the Google reviews. Google reviews are public and each person has to leave their feedback individually unlike online retail store where the developer simply copies and pastes them or in some case import them from other websites.

  1. Shipping and Return Policy

Shipping and return policy has a very important role in identifying the reviews of any retail site. If the shipping and return policy is easy with buyer friendly terms, and you have a choice to return the product without any hassle. You might see people talking about returns in their reviews, if that’s not the case, still you might see people discussing that and that’s a good sign to judge the authenticity of reviews.

  1. Social Websites

If you have done your initial analysis, and have any suspicion about the quality of reviews. Don’t rush, we have another check for you. Try going to various social websites like Quora and search the brand name and see what people are saying about it. If it is a well-known brand, you definitely get the clue.

  1. Chrome Extensions

More and more companies are developing tools to help people make good decisions. There are tools like chrome extensions that you can download and check if the love doll reviews are real or fake. This might be a little tedious task if you are not comfortable with installing new tools. But it is always better to take care of your hard earned money!


There are a myriad of different ways where companies and sellers are trying to get good reviews in order to generate sales. But you can always use your research and analytical skills to check the authenticity of every sex doll website. Also don’t forget to read this article once again if you want to place an order with any sex doll brand. Please share this article with your friends if you think they might find it helpful.

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